Every freelancer knows that there are all kinds of clients out there full of their own preferences, opinions, ideas and processes. And while freelancers are extremely grateful for the work and the experience, they do develop favorite qualities in some clients and some not-so-great qualities in other clients. With several years of freelance work under my belt, I've compiled a few of my favorite client qualities too! In no particular order:
Clear & Frequent Communication As a copywriter, I am here to take all things writing off of your plate so that you can manage your business and focus on doing what you do best. However, clear and frequent communication is still very much appreciated. Are you super busy in a particular week and won't have time to review some copy? No problem - just let me know! Do you have a new idea for an upcoming mailing? Awesome...send it over! When a client is an active participant in the process, can provide what is needed from their end, and both parties communicate clearly and often, everything runs much more smoothly.
Constructive Criticism Writers learn early on how to handle feedback and constructive criticism. We are not married to our ideas. We're here to offer our knowledge and expertise, but our ultimate goal is to make the client happy with the final product. If something isn't working for you, let me know as soon as possible what I can do to improve it so that we are working toward a positive outcome. The last thing a copywriter wants is an unhappy client! We'd rather know right away if something isn't to your liking than to waste time working on something that ultimately won't appease our clients.
Trust I personally pride myself on my work ethic and integrity. If there is something to be done, rest assured I will deliver a quality product and do so on-time. When I know that a client knows this about me, the entire working relationship is so much more relaxed, positive, and productive. As a freelancer, I feel so much more motivated to produce quality work for a client who trusts me.
Respect Arguably one of the most important elements in any working relationship is to feel respected (and to give respect back). And this respect applies to a lot of areas. I appreciate when a client respects my time. I'm a freelancer, but I'm also a mom, and sometimes my work may need to take a back seat for a couple of hours or a couple of days with a sick child or a teething baby. I appreciate when a client respects my opinion or expertise. As I mentioned above, the client's happiness with the final product is my ultimate goal, but I really appreciate when a client has an open mind to consider changing what hasn't worked for them. I appreciate when a client respects my value. When it comes to budget and finances in particular, I always want to meet a client where they're comfortable and would never price something unfairly. Respect in all aspects is so important in building a positive relationship, and when I give respect I expect to receive it back.
Speak Highly If you've been happy with the work a freelancer is doing for you, tell the world! I am a one-woman business working hard to make clients happy, and it means so much to receive a positive review or a referral. It's easy to fall into the habit of only offering up criticism and forgetting to slip in a simple "great job!" or "thank you!", but those things go a long way and when a client is great at showing appreciation, I am appreciative. Now it's your turn! What qualities do you appreciate the most in a freelancer? Let me know in the comments!